Reviews of Peer-Reviewed Journals in the Humanities and Social Sciences

We give you the scuttlebutt on academic journals—aiding you in selecting the right journal for publication—in reviews that are sometimes snarky, sometimes lengthy, always helpful. Written by Princeton University graduate students and Wendy Laura Belcher.

Anthropology Quarterly

For those interesting in publishing articles that engage with the disciplinary debates and methodological commitments of anthropology, ethnography, and cultural analysis.

Anthropology Quarterly is a journal based out of George Washington University that focuses on data driven research in the discipline of anthropology. Articles are ethnographically grounded and seek to contribute to debates both in the field of anthropology, but also in the larger world.

The journal invites scholarship that engages with public debates that can be illuminated through ethnographic scholarship and the interpretive tools of anthropology, thus providing insights into social issues normally left out of public conversations. In this sense the journal strikes a balance between relevance and being at the critical cutting edge of the discipline, with a review of the last five years suggesting relevance is more preferred. That said, to the extent social problems drive much of the journal’s featured scholarship, it has managed to incorporate authors who provide unique views to those issues. For instance, materiality has been taken up by the journal in a few special issues to talk about energy politics and infrastructure, while the question of political Islam has also been approached in new and interesting ways.

As a matter of content, the journal features articles that touch on politics, inequality, globalization, transnationalism in its various forms, and the way humans interact with their environment and an increasingly precarious ecological future. (BH)

Useful for Submission

Word Count: 10,500 words maximum

Issues per year: 4

Current volume number: 90

Articles per year: 28

Citation style: All submissions should be double-spaced, Times New Roman 12 pt., have one-inch margins, and should conform to the AQ Style Guide. For any points not addressed in the AQ Style Guide, please conform to the Chicago Manual of Style. Your manuscript should not include any identifying information.

Abstract length (if required): 300 words maximum and 5 – 7 keywords

Upcoming special issues (if available): “Inhabiting the Margins: Middle Eastern Minorities Revisited”


About Wendy Belcher

Associate Professor, Princeton University, Department of Comparative Literature and the Center for African American Studies. Author of Writing Your Journal Article in Twelve Weeks: A Guide to Academic Publishing Success. Instructor of Deep Reading Journals as Publishing Praxis.


This entry was posted on April 3, 2017 in Anthropology Journals, Interdiscplinary Journals.