We give you the scuttlebutt on academic journals—aiding you in selecting the right journal for publication—in reviews that are sometimes snarky, sometimes lengthy, always helpful. Written by Princeton University graduate students and Wendy Laura Belcher.
For those interested in publishing critical interventions on race, racism, and imperialism with a particular disciplinary focus in anthropology, social science, and the humanities.
This journal explores the question of race through a diverse range of theoretical commitments and geographic contexts. The journal receives a large quantity of submissions from both the United States and the United Kingdom and thus explores the range of arguments about race developed over time within those two academic spheres. While some overlap exists, a sizeable number of UK authors address questions of race within the history of British imperialism and the legacies of empire in the UK. The journal does not appear to be driven by any one particular debate;. As a result articles are generally focused on accounting for and analyzing a phenomenon, describing an untold history, critiquing a cultural text or representation, or using social science research to make a particular conclusion about the workings of race in a particular context.
BH 2017
For those interested in publishing articles on race and class in the disciplines of political science, history, and anthropology. It sometimes has literary studies articles, but rarely. Race and Class publishes on a wide variety of issues pertaining to race and class with an extreme breadth of coverage. Recently, the most prominent topic has been criticism of the United States’ occupation of Middle Eastern countries following September 11, 2001.
This is an excellent journal for anyone writing on the Middle East; race and class in the United States; race and class in multiple international contexts; critical race theory; postcolonial studies; race and gender; issues of government surveillance; carceral studies.
HP 2015
Useful for Submission
Word Count: articles should be 5,000 to 8,000 words and commentaries should be 2,000 to 4,000
Issues per year: 4
Current volume number (in 2017): 58
Articles per year: 32
Citation style: uses an end note style and specific citation requirements are found in section 9.3 of journal guidelines.
Abstract length (if required): abstracts and keywords are required but no specific length is specified.
Upcoming special issues (if available): No upcoming special issue but last special issue was “Race and class: the colour of struggle, 1950s–1980s”
Relevant Editors: current editors and advisory editors come from the Institute on Race Relations in the UK and the full editorial board is heavily represented by UK institutions.